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Treating Facial Hyperhidrosis with Iontophoresis

Treating Facial Hyperhidrosis with Iontophoresis

Treating Facial Hyperhidrosis with Iontophoresis Facial sweating is probably the most distressing area of the body to suffer from Hyperhidrosis. Hidrex machines make it possible to control excessive sweating in this area. Treatment of Facial Hyperhidrosis with...

Treating Facial Hyperhidrosis with Iontophoresis

Facial Sweating and Iontophoresis This support post is related to the Hidrex PSP1000 iontophoresis machine. If you have the newer Hidrex ConnectION  model for facial sweating, please see this iontophoresis support post for that version. Hidrex produce a facial mask...